

A warrant is a capital market instrument that grants the holder the right to buy or sell an underlying asset or index at a predetermined price on or before a specific date or within a certain period. This right is a security with either physical delivery or cash settlement.
Warrants are issued by banks and brokerage firms under the regulations of the Capital Markets Board to trade on Borsa İstanbul (Borsa Istanbul).

Why Should I Engage in Warrant Trading?
  • Warrants offer a variety of products including stocks, basket indices, BIST indices, and other financial instruments.
  • Warrants provide limited risk and unlimited theoretical profit potential.
  • Due to their leverage feature, warrants offer asymmetric returns.
Trading warrants on Borsa İstanbul Pay Piyasası (Borsa Istanbul Equities Market) involves a high degree of risk.
  • Warrant Risk Disclosure Statement
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