Equity Market (BIST)

Equity Market (BIST)

Different sectors' companies' shares, subscription rights, exchange-traded funds, warrants and certificates, real estate investment funds, venture capital investment fund units, real estate certificates, and commodity certificates are traded on Borsa Istanbul Equity Market.
For more detailed information about the investment instruments traded on the Equity Market, please click here on the Borsa Istanbul website.
Our investors can carry out their transactions through investment consultants or utilize our Tera Trader mobile application and data broadcasting screens, allowing them to instantly connect to the market and execute their stock transactions from anywhere using their mobile phones, tablets, or computers, thanks to our fast and reliable technological infrastructure investments.
If you are expecting price increases in the overall market or specific stocks you've chosen but do not wish to allocate more funds, or if you have shares in your account but not enough cash and wish to make a purchase, you can execute a Margin Trading Operation using your shares as collateral.
Tera Yatırım holds an "Intermediary Activity License" and is able to conduct transactions in all markets of the Equity Market.
The shares you purchase through our institution will be held in your name by the Central Registry Agency (MKK). Our institution transmits equity market transactions directly to Borsa Istanbul through systems used as Transaction Intermediaries.
Please note that transactions you conduct on the Borsa Istanbul Equity Market fall under moderately risky investments.
  • Risk Disclosure Form for Trading in Capital Market Instruments
  • Risk Disclosure Form for Second Market
  • Risk Disclosure Form for Pre-Market Trading Platform (PÖİP)
  • Risk Disclosure Form for Watchlist Market
  • Risk Disclosure Form for Warrants and Certificates
 Fees charged by the exchange for transactions conducted on Borsa Istanbul Equity Market
  • Click here for the Exchange Fee and Other Charges Tariff.
  • Click here for the Borsa Istanbul Fee Schedule.
  • Click here for the Order/Transaction Ratio (OTR) Information Note.
 Click here to meet with Tera Yatırım expert consultants and initiate your account opening process by filling out the form and we will call you.
Equity Market (BIST)
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